Pellworm, Alte Kirche

Old postcard from unknown yaer

1710/11: New organ by Arp Schnitger.

1754: Repairs by Johann Daniel Busch. He had taken over his father Johann Diederich Busch's maintenance-contract from 1751, when the latter died in 1753 (the specification probably remained as it was)

1764: On the 15th of July maintenance-contract with Johann Jochen Maass.

1781: Repairs by Boye Lorentzen of Bredstedt.

1865: Repairs by Friedrich Christian Theodor Schulze of Rendsburg.

1890/92: Restoration by Emil Hansen of Flensburg. Front pipes replaced by new ones. All pipes moved 2 half tones and cut off. Half of the Schnitger ranks replaced by new ones.

1954: Restoration by Ernst Brandt of Quickborn. The specification was restored.

1987-1989 (01): Restoration by Gebr. Hillebrand of Altwarmbüchen near Hannover. Stops replaced by Brand & Hansen . Restoration of the windchests. New shutters for all works. New keycovering made of boxwood and ebony. New keyboard cheeks in the style of the Lübeck Dom. New pedal-board after Gloger. Mechanism mostly original. 3 out of 4 wedge-shaped bellows are from Schnitger. Unequal temperament.

Reconstructed stops ( please compare with Fock 1974, pp. 167-168 )

HW: P8, Nas3, Rpf-II, Trp8
BW: O2, Sesq-II, Scharf-IV, Dulc8
Ped: P8, O4, Nachthorn 2, Mix-VI, Pos16, Trp8, Ct2

Specification (01): Schnitger (S), Hansen (H), Brandt (B), Hillebrand (Hi)

Hauptwerk   Brustwerk   Pedal  
Prinzipal 8' (Hi) Gedackt 8' (S) Quintadena 16' (S)
Gedackt 8' (S) Waldflöte 4' (S) Prinzipal 8' (Hi)
Oktave 4' (S) Oktav 2' (Hi) Octave 4' (Hi)
Spitzflöte 4'(S) Sesquialtera II (Hi) Nachthorn 2' (Hi)
Nasat 2 2/3' (Hi) Scharf IV (Hi) Mixtur VI (Hi)
Superoktave 2' (S) Dulzian 8' (Hi) Posaune 16' (Hi)
Gemshorn 2' (S)     Trompete 8' (Hi)
Rauschpfeiffe II (Hi)     Cornet 2' (Hi)
Mixtur IV-VI (B)        
Trompete 8' (Hi)        

Source: Click at the photo to enlarge.


  1. E-Mail from Ibo Ortgies from 8-6-2005

  1. Manfred Adam (Hrsg.): Die Arp-Schnitger-Orgel in der Alten Kirche zu Pellworm 1711-1990. Eine Festschrift zur Orgelweihe am 6. Mai 1990.
    Pellworm, Kirchenvorstand der Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde, 1990.
  2. 300 Jahre Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Alte Kirche St. Salvator Pellworm published by Ev. Luth Kirchengemeinde Pellworm 2011


