Updates www.arpschnitger.nl

28 september 2026
Second cd from Florian Wilkes at the organ of berlin-Charlottenburg added to the discography.

2 juni 2024
CD from Peter Westerbrink Tunder in perspectief deel 4 in Groningen der Aa-kerk. See discography.

10 May 2024

Corrections Noordbroek. New CD in 2025 to raise funds for the reconstruction of three stops in the "rugpositief".

30 january 2024
Correction by Lüdingworth: Untersatz 16' = Wilde & Principal 8' = Schnitger

17 november 2023
Schnitger copy bij Jean Bruggeman in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal)

2 october 2023

Letter (1948) from Marcussen from Danmark tot organbuilder Mense Ruiter in the Netherlands concerning the restoration of the Rugwerk in Uithuizen.

9 august 2023
Frits Kaan attended me on an EP by Johan van Meurs from 1966 at the Der Aa-kerk in Groningen. See discography.

23 july 2023
Tape-recording added from an organconcert by Harald Vogel in 1970 in the Pelstergasthuiskerk Groningen by Harald Vogel to the discography.

9 july 2023
New CD by Sietze de Vries at the organ of the Der-Aa-kerk in Groningen added to the discography.
New CD/Book by Sietze de Vries and Roden Girl Choristers olv. Sonja de Vries Martinikerk Groningen added to the discography.
New 2CD/DVD Sietze de Vries with improvisations Bach missing pages Orgelbüchlein Martinikerk Groningen and Petruskerk Leens added to the discography.

10 april 2023
New CD by Hilger Kespohl at the organ of Neuenfelde added to the discography

2 january 2023
News about the organs in Noordbroek (restoration of the Dulciaan 8') and Harkstede (reconstruction).

27 december 2022
New CD from Jörg Halubek in Norden added to the discography.

17 february 2022
New CD from Rui Fernando Soares in Moreira with works of Fischer and Kerll added to the discography.

13 january 2022
New CD from Rui Paiva in Faro with works of Dieterich Buxtehude Praetorius added to the discography.

29 december 2021
New CD from Léon Berben in Langwarden and Lemgo with works of Hieronymus Praetorius added to the discography.

22 august 2020
Schnitger copy in Dypag kirke Norway

11 august 2020

Schnitger copy in Evangelische Kirche Bozen

21 july 2020

New CD from Daniele Boccaccio in Oederquart added to the discography.

18 june 2020
Johann Pachelbel, Präludium und Fuge in d. Kurt Mild an der Arp-Schnitger-Orgel der "Eosander-Kapelle" im Charlottenburger Schloss, Mitschnitt 16.08.1940

14 may 2020

Photos from 1970 Pelstergasthuiskerk Groningen and fragment from concert by Harald Vogel in 1970

14 april 2020

CD of Jozef Sluys in Uithuizen added to the discography. Thanks to Peter van Dijk-Veldkamp

31 december 2019

New literature-list from organ-magazines

28 december 2019

3 new books about Schnitger is the literature-list

5 december 2019

New cover from LP's added to the discography on basis of a mail from Christian Höpfner (05.12.2019)
New CD from Gerhard Löffler (Weihnacht) in Hamburg St. Jakobi

1 december 2019
New covers from CD's/LP's added to the discography on basis of a mail from Christian Höpfner (29.11.2019)

29 november 2019
New covers from CD's/LP's added to the discography on basis of a mail from Christian Höpfner (21.11.2019)

23 november 2019

New covers from CD's/LP's added to the discography on basis of a mail from Christian Höpfner (21.11.2019)

21 november 2019

New CD's/LP's added to the discography on basis of a mail from Christian Höpfner (28.10.2019)

5 october 2019
Added the cover of CD Gwendolyn Toth recorded in Eeenum to the discography

26 september 2019

Better photo (Hilda Rodenboog) for Bergstedt.

4 september 2019

Two CDs Pellworm and Groningen Martini added to the discography

30 august 2019

Articles about Arp Schnitger in some magazins added tot the magazinlist (New), Thanks tot Victor Timmer who attended me on the articles.

3 august 2019

Correction of some mistakes for Dedesdorf and Ganderkesee on basis of a mail by Tim Knigge

21 july 2019
Booklet of Konrad Küsetr about Arp Schnitger (Verlag Ludwig) added to the bibliography.

19 may 2019
More photos from the organ in Lenzen by Sietze de Vries

3 may 2018

CD from Hilger Kespohl in Neuenfelde (Heinrich Scheidemann) added to the discography

14 march 2018

CD from Harald Vogel in Hamburg (Arp Schnitger and the Hamburg Organ Tradition) added to the discography

30 january 2018

CD from Anna Scholl in Lüdingworth added to the discography

30 december 2018

7CDBox from Manuel Tomadin with the complete organmusic of Johann Ludwig Krebs with cd 1/2 recorded in Noordbroek added to the discography

20 december 2018

Two cd's from Vincent van Laar Martinikerk Groningen added to the discography

6 december 2018

New CD of Hilger Kespohl an die Orgel in Neufenelde added to the discography

19 october 2018

CD of Peter Westerbrink from 2011 (Return of the Queen) der Aa-kerk Groningen added to the discography

19 october 2018

New CD of Sietze de Vries Orgelprobe Martinkerk Groningen added to the discography

22 september 2018

New CD Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 314 2092-2CD2018 Harald Vogel & Thomas Fritzsch (Viola da Gamba) Buxtehude: Frühe Orgelwerke Codex E.B. 1688 added tot the discography

6 august 2018

Article about the organ in Cappel by Mr. C.J. Verplanke in the Dutch Magazin "Organist en eredienst" (1954 september)
Article Arp Schniger organs in Germany by Mr. C.J. Verplanke in the Dutch Magazin "Organist en eredienst" (1954 july/august)

20 july 2018

Covers of cd and records of Organeum added tot the discography. Thanks tot Walter Hilbrands.

9 may 2018

CD's  added to the discography (Thanks to Walter Hilbrands)

10-15 march 2018
Many books added to the bibliography.

5 march 2018
Booklet of Heinz Wunderlich about the organ in St. Jacobi, Hamburg added to the bibliography.
Booklet of Alfred Hoppe about the organ of Himmelpforten added to the bibliography.

1 march 2018
Added a publication of Friedrich Giese about organ in Pommern to the bibliography. On basis of that information the history of the organ in Stettin could be updated. Krzysztof Urbaniak pointed me to this book.

4 february 2018

Added some brochures to the bibliography

4 january 2018
New CD Orgellandschaften 8 by Nomine added to the discography

17 december 2017
The Arp Schnitger reconstruction by Bernard Edskes in the Lutheran church of Groningen has been inaugurated at 31 octber 2017.
A book and an CD/DVD has been published.
Recording by Sietze de Vries in Moreira on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdWsjHQO9N0

2 december 2017
New book "Mein Schall aufs Ewig weist"from Dietrich Diederichs-Gottschalk added to the bibliography.

29 october 2017
Information added about the Schnitger-copy in Ithaca (USA)

28 september, 1 october, 7 october 2017
discography update by searching via Google

10 september 2017 and 27 august 2017
discography update by searching via Google

18/19 august 2017

New CDs and LPs from the website https://www.discogs.com added to the discography

13 august 2017
New CDs and LPs from the website https://www.discogs.com added to the discography

4 august 2017
New CDs and LPs from the website https://www.discogs.com added to the discography

25 may 2017
New CD from Gwendolyn Toth at the organ of Noordbroek. See discography

10 april 2017
New CD FRanz Tunder in perpectief nr. 3 by Peter Westerbrink. Recorded in Uithuizen. See discography

2 march 2017
Inauguration of the reconstructed organ in Oederquart at 16.4.2017
Inauguration of the restored organ of Neuenfelde at 11.06.2017

14 February 2017
CD1 from Historische Orgeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Blankenhagen added  to discography.
Perhaps a picture of Arp Schnitger has been discovered in Golwarden. See Schnitger Introduction

26 january 2017
New CD's in Stade, Ganderkesee and Weener from Nomine added to discography.

10 october 2016
Cover LP Klaas Bolt in Uithuizen, Godlinze and Nieuw-Scheemda added to discography.

1 september 2016
New CD from Manuel Tomadin in Zwolle/Leens with the Husumer Orgelbuch will be released in august 2016. See discography.
'Restoration by Ahrend of the Prestant 32' of the organ of Groningen St. Martini.

14 april 2016
New CD from Masaki Suzuki in Groningen Martini. See discography.

28 february 2016
New CD and DVD from Harald Vogel in Cappel. See discography.

10 february 2016
Organ in Schnitger-style for Glasgow Universty Barony Hall.

4 february 2016
New CD from Manuel Tomadin in Zwolle will be released in May 2016. See discography.

20 january 2016
Google Search-machine installed at the frontpage

17 january 2016
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Elmshorn,  Flensburg, St. Nikolai, Groningen, Martinikerk, Himmelpforten St. Marien

13 january 2016
New CD by Fabien Moulaert (Organ) and Zsuzsi Toth (Soprano)in Hamburg added to the discography.

10 january 2016

Redesigning the pages of the organs in Beverstedt, Bauerndom, Bremen, St. Martini, Bremen, St. Ansgarii

7 january 2016
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Rastede, St.-Ulrich, Middelstum, Hervormde kerk, Rastede, St.-Ulrich, Sandesneben, St. Marien, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, St. Willehadi, Schwei, St.-Secundus, Selsingen, St. Lamberti, Sittensen, Evangelisch-lutherische Kirche, Stade, St. Wilhadi, Stettin, St. Jacobi, Wittmund, St. Nicolai

3 january 2016
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Magdeburg, St. Ulrich, Magdeburg, St. Johannis, Magdeburg, Kloster Berge, Leer, Lutherkirche, Langenweddingen, St. Georg

2 january 2016
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Hamburg-Moorburg, St. Maria-Magdalena, Hamburg-Nienstedten, Hamburg-Eppendorf, St. Johannis, Hamburg, St. Michaelis, Hamburg, Nikolaikirche, Lübeck, Dom, Leeuwarden, Lutherse kerk, Lamstedt.

1 january 2016

Redesigning the pages of the organs in Groningen Lutherse kerk, Gross-Ottersleben / Hohenwarsleben, Hagelberg, Hamburg-Altona Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche, Hamburg, Dreifaltigkeitskirche Hamm.

29 december 2015

Redesigning the pages of the former Arp Schnitger organs in Groningen Der Aa-kerk first Schnitger organ (1697), Dargun, Esenshamm, Buxtehude, Bremen St. Remberti, Bremen, St. Stephani, Bremen, St. Pauli, Bremen, Dom, Berlin, St. Sebastian, Berlin, St. Nikolai

29 december 2015
Redesigning the pages of the former Arp Schnitger organs in Bardenfleth, Oldenbrok, Achim, Berlin Eosanderkapelle
Schnitger reconstruction at Soeul, Korean National University of Arts
2CDs of Kare Nordstoga in Hamburg and Zwolle added to the discography

29 december 2015
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Wegeleben, Jork, Golzwarden, Konigs-Wusterhausen, Oederquart, Pieterburen, Rendsburg, Ferwerd, Strückhausen, Lenzen.

28 december 2015

Redesigning the pages of the organs in Zwolle, Itzehoe, Bülkau, Accum, Abbehausen, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, St. Salvator, Estebrügge, Eutin

27 december 2015

Redesigning the pages of the organs in Nieuw-Scheemda, Neuenfelde, Noordbroek, Norden, Pellworm, Sneek, Steinkirchen, Uithuizen and Weener

23 december 2015
Redesigning the pages of the organs in Lüdingworth, Mariana (Brasil) and Moreira

23 december 2015

Redesigning the pages of the organs in Hamburg Jacobi, Hamburg-Ochsenwerder, Harkstede, Hollern.

17 december 2015

Photo added from the Rückpositif (now in Wismar) from the case made for the Schnitger-organ Jacobi Hamburg in 1961

22 november 2015

Pages for Glückstadt, Stade St Cosmae, Stade St. Wilhaldi, Bergstedt Evangelisch Lutheranische Kirche, Blankenhage Dorfkirche, Calberlah Kapelle, Cappel St. Peter und Paul, Dedesdorf St. Laurentius and Eenum, Hervormde Kerk redisgned

15 november 2015

Picture form 1840 of the organ in Zwolle.
More information of the organ in Glückstadt (Now in Burg, Fehmarn)

5 november 2015

New cd "Franz Tunder in perspectief" Volume 2 from Peter Westerbrink in Noordbroek and Anloo

31 october 2015
Schnitger copy 2011 in Pinerolo Chiesa Parrocchiale Madonna di Fatima

21 october 2015
The contract for the Arp Schnitger reconstruction in Groningen Lutherse kerk has been signed.
Article from Henny Wullink added to the literature list

18 october 2015

Cd from Bine Bryndorf in Hamburg St. Jacobi Buxtehude 05 added to the discography

2 october 2015

New photo from 1860 of the organ in Hamburg Jacobi and Destination of the organcase from 1961.

18 september 2015

Two new publications about the Schnitger-organ in Zwolle. See Literature about Schnitger
New (old) photo from Ganderkesee.

25 may 2015

CD of Franz Raml Samuale Scheidt in Hamburg St. Jacobi added to the discography.

Restoration by Mense Ruiter of the organ in Noordbroek.
Start restoration by Christian Wegscheider of the organ in Neuenfelde.

Picture from 1874 of the former Schnitger in Magedeburg St. Johannis.

18 december 2014
Case and some pipework of Arp Schnitger discoverd in the church of Deyelsdorf

14 november 2014
CD of Johan Brouwer in Nieuw-Scheemda added to the discography.

1 november 2014

CD's of Joseph Kelemen added to the discography.

New CD from Peter Westerbrink in Norden with works of Franz Tunder en contemporaries. See discography.
New book from Cees van der Poel "Naam en Faam - Vij Schnitgerorgels in Groningen. See Literature about Schnitger

Text from the pedal-windchest of the former organ in the Lutheran church of Groningen.
Plans are made to make a reconstruction of the organ in 2017. More information at http://www.schnitgerorgel2017.nl/en/home

Article in "Het Orgel" 1897/01 about the changes by van Dam in 1898 tot the organ in Sneek.

Cd's from Irénée Peyrot and Rudolf Kelber in Lenzen with the complete works of Zachow. See discography.

The restoration of the Schnitger organ in Neuenfelde by Kristian Wegscheider starts in 2015.

First phase of the reconstruction of the Schnitger-organ in Oederquart by Rowan West completed.

Cover from LP form Charles de Wolff in Zwolle at the Schnitger organ in Zwolle. See discography. Hilda Fernhout send me the details of this LP.

LP from 196x Gustav Leonhardt at the Schnitger organ in Zwolle. See discography. Axel Wenstedt send me the details of this LP.

New book about the organ in Pellworm: 300 Jahre Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Alte Kirche St. Salvator Pellworm published by Ev. Luth Kirchengemeinde Pellworm 2011

EP from 196x organist Piet Post organ and Harry Sevenstern trumpet at the organ of the Michaeliskerk Zwolle. See discography

New CD from Tymen Jan Bronda  at the organ of the Aa-kerk Groningen. See discography

New CD's for Dedesdorf and Norden. See discography

New CD from Jelte Hulzebos at the organ of the Aa-kerk Groningen. See discography


Specification of the organ in Bardenfleth.

Article form the Nieuwsblad van het Noorden 26-11-1896 about the new organ in Lutherse kerk in Groningen.

New Youtube -video from Cappel and restoration of the principals of the hoofdwerk in Sneek.


Picture of the LP from Wolfgang Auler in Berlin Charlottenburg (Arp Schnitger reconstruction) added to the discography

New CD of the Schnitger-organ in Norden by Agnes Luchterhandt and Thiemo Jansen added to the discography

New CD of Martin Böcker at the organ of Hollern added to the discography
New DVD of the restoration of the organ of Hollern added tot the new DVD-page.


New CD of Harald Vogel with the early works of J.S. Bach at the organ of Cappel added to the discography

New CD-box of Stef Tuinstra with the complete work of Georg Böhm in Hamburg St. Nikolai added to the discography

New CD of Leonore Lub in Noordbroek added to the discography

Many photos of the organ in Der Aa-kerk in Groningen can be seen athttp://orgel.edskes.net/kerk_groningen_der_aakerk.htm
Photos from the same website of the organ in Peize. Seehttp://orgel.edskes.net/kerk_peize_dorpskerk.htm


New CD of Peter Westerbrink in Noordbroek added to the discography

News about the organ in Borstel.
The organ of the Aa-kerk in Groningen returns after a restoration by Reil. Inauguration will take place at 14.10.2011.

News about the restoration of the organ in Hollern

More information about the restoration of the organ in Hollern can befound at http://www.nomine.net/hollern-restaurierung-der-arp-schnitger-orgel On this website is plannend to present a live-stream of the organ-presentation and Martin Böcker's concert. The organ will be inaugurated at 28.08.2011.

The church council of St. Pankratius Neuenfelde decided to restore the organ in the future by Christian Wegscheider from Dresden.


The organ of Hollern will be inaugurated at 28.08.2011

Bibliography organ Zwolle Grote Kerk


Schnitger Birthday in 2011 See PDF.

New CD from Bob van Asperen (Froberger) in Norden added to the discography.

New page with articles about Schnitger in organ periodicals
Bibliography organ Zwolle Grote Kerk

Planned restorations: Hollern, Steinkirchen and Mittelnkirchen


New Schnitger-copy  in 2009 by Bertrand Cattiaux in Amilly, St. Martin

Discovery of yet onknown documents from Arp Schnitger of the unkown organ from Arp Schnitger in Bardenfleth.

LP (Orbis 76 747) "Johann Sebastian BACH - Orgelwerke" by Charles De Wolff at the organ of St.Michaelskerk in Zwolle  added to the discography. Mail by Axel Wenstedt.

Documents from the archive of the church in Neuenfelde. See http://www.schnitgerorgel.de/orgel/dokumente.php

New CD "Alt Hamburgische Orgelspiegel" by Jens Wollenschläger added to the discography


New organ from Ahrend in the old Schnitger-organcase of Königs Wusterhausen.

New photos for Hollern, Bülkau, Langwarden, Lenzen and Jork. Painting of the organ in the Dom of Lübeck.

LP from 1978 (Sonclair 7H 242510) by Charles de Wolff added to the discography on basis of an Email from Henny Wullink

CD from Jelte Hulzebos Groningen, Martinikerk added to the discography.

Picture from een Psallite-LP from Pellworm added to the discography. Thanks to Dr. Sven-Hinrich Siemers.
More information about the organ in Moreira.

Singles from Zwolle Grote kerk added to the discography. Henny Wullink pointed me at these old singles.

New external websites for Eenum, Godlinze, Harkstede, Groningen Aa-kerk, Mensingeweer, Nieuw-Scheemda, Sneek.
New photos for Mensingeweer

30-04-2010 and 12-05-2010
New photo and some news from the Schnitger organcase in Wegeleben

Article in "Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau Jahrgang 29 (1908-1909) by Prof. Rudolph Franz Robert Palme (1834 Barby - 1909 "Magdeburg) Die Orgelwerke Magdeburgs einst und jetzt, nebst kurzen Mitteilungen über die kirche" added to  Magdeburg St. Johannis, Magdeburg, Heilig Geist Kirche, Magdeburg Ulrichskirche, Magdeburg, Katharinenkirche, Magdeburg, St. Jakobi.

Schnitger-copy at Ithaca, NY, Cornel University Anabel Taylor Chapel. See bottom of the organlist.

New article (German) from Konrad Küster: "Arp Schnitgers Jahr 1682 und die Folgen Werkstattbildung, Eheprozess und Einweihungsmusik". See Literature.

Organworks of Bach played by James Kibbie in Stade added to the discography

New photos (with text-signs) from the organ in Moreira in Portugal by Henrique Rodrigues.

CD from Masaaki Suzuki in Lüdingworth added to the discography

2.7.2010 - 4.7.2010 Birth day of Arp Schnitger See Postcard
Cd from Jork added to the discography

Restorations of the bellows in Cappel by Beckerath
CD's added to the discography

New CD of Leon Berben with the organworks of Vincent Lübeck added to the discography

Concert 31th january 2010 by Conservatório de Música do Porto organ students. The students are Henrique Rodrigues, Nuno Mimoso, Paulo Alexandre, Francisco Malhadinhas, Diogo Vilarinho Zão, Daniel Pinho, Sérgio Silva and Luciano.

Old photos added from the book "Klingende Schätze Orgeln zwischen Elbe und Weser" for Grasberg, Stade St. Cosmae, Cappel and Dedesdorf.
Photos added form the book "Denkmalorgels zwischen Elbe und Werser" by Seggermann & Weidenbach for Grasberg, Kirchlinteln and the Introduction.

New photos from the organ in Moreira in Portugal by Henrique Rodrigues.
New book about Schnitger. See Literature. (Red)

Historical recording of Geraint Jones from 1952 in Steinkirchen now added  to discography

New photos by Roelof Kooiker for Neuenfelde, Blankenhage, Basedow and Grasberg.

Exhibition Landesbibliothek Oldenburg: Oldenburger Geistesblitze See (Introduction Arp Schnitger)
Schnitger copy in New Haven USA. See worklist under Copies of Schnitger instruments

New information about the Schnitger-case in Könings-Wusterhausen.

New photos Cappel.

New photos Accum, Weener and Hamburg-Ochsenwerder.

New photos Estebrügge, Neuenfelde. Jork and coats of arms from Schnitger in the Introduction.

New photos Stade St Cosmae, Hamburg St. Jakobi, Lübeck Dom, Magdeburg St. Jakobi, Godlinze, Eenum.

New photos Magdeburg St. Ulrich.

New photo Magdeburg St.Petri.
New photo Magdeburg St. Ulrich
New photo Dargun.

New photo Magdeburg St.Johannis.

New Photo's for Harkstede by Dick Sanderman.

Subvention of EUR 89.898 form the Dutch Government for the restoration of the Schnitger-organ in Mensingeweer.

New photos for Steinkirchen by Geert Jan Pottjewijd.
Cover of the recording from Fritz heitman from 1938 at Berlin-Charlottenburg added  to discography.
MP3 (J.S. Bach, Duetto in F BWV 803) from tehe recording above added.

New photos for Hollern and Mittelnkirchen by Geert Jan Pottjewijd

New photos for Stade St. Wilhaldi by Geert Jan Pottjewijd

New photos for Stade St. Cosmae by Geert Jan Pottjewijd

New photos for Nieuw-Scheemda & Noordbroek by Geert Jan Pottjewijd

New CD by Joseph Kelemen at the organ in Hamburg St. Jacobi added to discography.

Bericht uit de Stentor (Zwolle) over de balgen van het orgel te Zwolle.

Leaflet organ in Grasberg
Leaflets organ in Norden
Leaflet organ in Dedesdorf

New CD in Norden  Agnes Luchterhandt & Thiemo Janssen: "Arp-Schnitger-Organ Norden Vol. 2" added to the discography

New CD in Hamburg Jakobikirche by Ton Koopman added to the discography

New CD in Norden by Agnes Luchterhandt & Thiemo Janssen "Arp-Schnitger-Organ Norden Vol. 1" added tot the discography

New CD's from Wim van Beek and Theo Jellema in Groningen Martini added tot the Discography Information from an E-mail from Gert Gerritsen.

New 3CD from Kei Koito in groningen Martini added tot the Discography Information from an E-mail from Gert Gerritsen.

The Golden Age of the Organ: Pepping and Bach. This LP's are now availble at CD's at: http://www.haydnhouse.com/organ_loft.htm
Information from Frank Hamilton

New link  http://www.arp-schnitger-grasberg.de for Grasberg

More information about the former Schnitger-organ in Leer.

New photos by webmaster from Norden, Dedesdorf & Grasberg

Exhibition about Arp Schnitger from 8.6.2007–26.8.2007 in Jork Museum Altes Land
Gott allein die Ehre  Der Orgelreichtum im Alten Land Katalog zur Austellung vom. 7. juni - 26. August 2007 museum Altes Land Jork See literature

New photo from the organ in Lüdingworth by Dennis Wubs

New photo from the organ in Elmshorn by Ludwig Klein

New CD and DVD from the organ in Stade. See Discography.
New Photo and information: Beverstedt (Dr. Martin Krarup)

New Photos: Beverstedt (Dr. Martin Krarup), Bremen St. Martini, Bremen, St. Ansgari and Elmshorn.

New video's from Hamburg St. Jacobi and Norden St. Ludgeri added to the video-page

New video with Karl Bernardin Kropf at the organ in Neuenfelde added to the video-page

New pictures of CD's added. The pictures were delivered by Henk Beens.

New page with videos about Arp Schnitger organs

Two Photos from Teun Juk from the organ in Faro Portugal

Exhibition about Arp Schnitger from 8.6.2007–26.8.2007 in Jork Museum Altes Land

New CD from Ton Koopman at Lüdingworth: Buxtehude Opera Omnia IV, Organ Works II. See Discography.

New CD from Bernard Foccroulle in Hamburg & Norden
Website for Förderverein Arp-Schnitger-Orgel-Cappel
Location of Schnitger organs in Google-Earth. Provided to me by Ibo Ortgies.

New website http://www.arpschnitgerorgeluithuizen.nl for the Schnitger-organ in Uithuizen

New CD from the organ in Lüdingworth from Ingo Duwensee added to the Discography.

New website about the organ in Lüdingworth: http://www.orgelstiftung.com

Discography of Noordbroek extended. Thanks to Peter Westerbrink organist of the church.

Peter Golon (pastor) of the church is searching for information about the disappeared balcony in Hollern

Link added to Noordbroek: http://www.schnitgerorgel.nl

The old recording of J.S. Bach Grosse Orgelmesse by Charles de Wolff from 1969 has been reissued by Prestare. See Discography.

Some more information about the organ in Wegeleben. New photo and information about the present situation. Information delivered by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)

New photos Schnitger organ in Ganderkesee by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)
Old photo of the Schnitger-organ in Magdeburg St. Ulrich. Delivered by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)
Design-picture of the Schnitger-organ in Itzehoe. Delivered by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)
Some more information about the organ in Wegeleben

New information added to the discography. Information by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany) See (a)
Article from Günther Seggermann in Ars Organi June 1987 added tot the information about the organ Hamburg St. Georg
New photos form the organ in Accum by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)
Prospect of Schnitger in Königs-Wusterhausen, Kreuzkirche??? Information by Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany)

Information about the Schnitger-Orgel in Berlin-Charlottenburg in a leaflet "Sommerkonzerte". Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany) pointed me at this leaflet.

New CD Carus 83.197 in the discography: "Jean-Claude Zehnder J.S. Bachs früheste Notenhandschriften". Weimarer Orgeltabulatur at Hamburg. Herbert Müller from Siegen (Germany) pointed me at this CD.

New CD in the discography (Christmas Carols) form the Arp Schnitger organ in Neuenfelde

Information added  to the organ in SÃO Salvador de Moreira Monastery (Portugal) from António Mendes Melo.
The old recordings of Helmut Walcha can be obtained by www.membran.net Information by John Smith

Recording of the complete organworks of Johann Ulrich Steigleder by Léon Berben in Lüdingworth added to the discography

Video from the Schnitger-organ in Mariana (Brasil)

Some old recordings (DRA) added to the discography from Cappel, Berlin Eosander and Cappel

Historiv Live-recordings of Heinz Wunderlich at the organ of St. Jakobi Hamburg added to the discography

New CD in Norden by Agnes Luchterhandt & Thiemo Janssen added tot the discography

New update literature-list.

New pictures added tot the discography. Information by Andrew Lecky.

New CD by Agnes Luchterhandt & Thiemo Janssen at the Arp Schnitger-Organ in  Norden added tot the discography.

Restoration of the organ in Ganderkesee

Report about the organ of St. Jacobi by Albert Schweitzer from 1928

Information updated an adding photos from Steinkirchen.

The shutters of the Brustwerk of the organ in Jork have been found!

New photos from K. Martijn (Onstwedde - Netherlands) for Abbehausen, Golzwarden and Strückhausen.

New information about the organ in Itzehoe.

Some mistakes corrected on basis of E-Mails from Ibo Ortgies from 7-6-2005 and 8.6.2005

LP of Flor Peeters made in Zwolle in 1961 added to the discography. E-Mail 16.06.2005 from Axel Wenstedt

LP of Gustav Leonhardt made in Zwolle in 195x added to the discography. E-Mail 12.06.2005 from Axel Wenstedt

New book added tot the literature-list: "The North German Organ Research Project at Göteborg University"
Two new CD's added to the discography: Florian Wilkes at the reconstrcted organ of the Eosanderkapelle Berlin.
Photos from Gerhard W. Kluth: www.kulturfoto-lieser.de added to Neuenfelde, Hamburg Jacobi, Steinkrichen, Borstel und Stade.

LP's from Helmuth Walcha form 1947-1952 in Lübeck and Cappel reissued at CD by Deutsche Grammophone

New link to a website about the organ in Zwolle, Grote kerk: http://www.schnitgerorgelzwolle.nl   

Website Flensburg Nikolaikirche added: http://www.nikolaikirche-flensburg.de

New CD's added to the discography. (Bernard Foccroule (Norden), Karl-Berhardin Kropf (Neuenfelde), Franz Raml (Lüdingworth)) Information provided by Walter Hilbrands

Website Groningen Pelstergasthuiskerk: http://www.waalsekerkgroningen.nl

Website Norden St. Ludgeri: http://norden-ludgeri.de 

and photo's from Brian Hepworth by E-Mail about the Schnitger-copy in Bodin, Norway

DVD about the Schnitger-organ in Neuenfelde added tot the discography. Link to the web site to purhase this CD

Photo's from the console of 1959/1961 Hamburg Jacobi from Cor Roeleveld.

Two new CD's from Wim van Beek added to the discography. Information from Cor Roeleveld.

New CD added to the discography with organs of Arp Schnitger in the Netherlands.

New CD added to the discography from Leonore Lub at the organ of Noordbroek.
New CD added to the discography Musica Michaelis 1: Schnitger organ Grote of St. Michaëlskerk Zwolle H. Scheidemann - D. Buxtehude - J.S. Bach

Website about the organ in Lenzen.

New photo's from Piet Bron for Hamburg St. Jacobi, Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Rendsburg

New link to the website of the organist of the organ in Grasberg Gerhild Lemke.

New literature and websites about the organs in Faro, Moreira and Marina by Antonio Melo from Portugal.

New website about the organ in Marina: http://www.orgaodase.com.br 

CD from Ton Koopman in Norden added tot the discography. Informationvia E-Mail from J. Schultz, Kerava, Finland

Schnitger-copy in Bodin Kirke (Norway) Information by Brian Hepworth. Restauration of the organ in Blankenhagen by Schuke, Potsdam.

8. april 2003
CD added to the discography: Piet Wiersma: Bach in Groningen (6) (Uithuizen and Godlinze)

2. march 2003
CD added to the discography: Rose Kirn an den Orgel in Ochsenwerder.

16. february 2003
Information added to the discography about the Beckerath-cd of E. Lauer in Steinkrichen.

4. february 2003
Information added to the discography about label and nr. cd from Julia Brown in Mariana.

23.october 2002
CD from Albert Bolliger on the organ of Norden added to the discography

23. september 2002
Article about a possible Schnitger?-organ in Bolivia.
CD from Garcia Banegas on the organ of Mariana added to the discography
LP from Harald Vogel on the Schnitger-organ in the Der Aa kerk in Groningen added to the discography.
Photo from the former Schnitger-organ in Lamstedt. Photo provided by Enrique Alejandro Godoy via an E-Mail.

3. july 2002
Future release in October 2002 of a CD from Dick Sanderman in Noordbroek by STH-Records

16. june 2002
Better photos from the organ in Godlinze

10.june 2002
Information via Ibo Ortgies by E-mail from Matthias Schuke from Alexander Schuke Potsdam Orgelbau GmbH. about the "Schnitger"-organ in Lenzen. (The information is in German) New photo's from Neuenfelde. New photo's from Norden.

6.june 2002
Information added from a CD of Egbert Ennulat to the description of the organ in Cappel.

30.may 2002
Article from Peter Golon about some "Schnitger?"-documents in the church-archive of Basedow.
New photo's from Neuenfelde.

15. may 2002
Text from the booklet of CD's and LP's added to the description of the organs in Noordbroek, der Aa-kerk Groningen, Grasberg, Eenum and Godlinze

8. may 2002
Additions to the Schnitger discography by Antti Takala by E-Mail d.d. 7-5-2002 18:12

6. may 2002
New information about the organ in the Hervormde kerk Ferwerd. In the present organ some ranks of Schnitger "survived". Link to the Website of the church.

29. april 2002
Link to the website of Hamburg Ochsenwerder and new photo (from this website) of the organ

10. april 2002
New photo of the Arp Schnitger rugpositief in Pieterburen

8. march 2002
Information about an old residence-organ in the home of Peter Golon in Stade. Possibly the organ contains some pipework out of the old organ of the Dom of Lübeck

1. march 2002
More information and new photo of the organ in Grasberg.

27. february 2002
Photo of the Arp Schnitger organ-case in Wegeleben.

3. february 2002
New CD (Husumer Orgelbuch) in te discography of Tillmann Benfer.

1. february 2002
New information about the former Arp Schnitger-organ in the Dom of Lübeck en the plans to reconstruct the organ.
Information about the Arp Schnitger-copy of Bernhardt Edskes Basel, Waisenhauskirche (CH) (1994)
New photo's of the organ in Uithuizen.

14. january 2002
New CD in te discography of Sietze de Vries in the Hervormde kerk Uithuizen

8. january 2002
New CD in te discography of Piet Wiersma in the serie Bach organ Works (5) in the Hervormde kerk Uithuizen

31 december 2001: New chapter added: "Copies of Schnitger instruments" First organs in this chapter: Emmen, Gereformeerd Vrijgemaakte kerk, 1987, 1992 (burned) and Göteborg, Örgryte nya kyrka, 2000.
New photos for Cappel, Dedesdorf, Lüdingworth, Stade, St. Cosmae, Stade St. Wilhaldi, Hamburg, St. Jacobi

3 december 2001: More information about the organ in SÃO Salvador de Moreira Monastery (Portugal) from António Mendes Melo. The information is from the book: O Mosteiro Crúzio de Moreira - Historia Arte e Música" by José A. Maia Marques, Geraldo J.A. Coelho Dias, Victor Gomes Teixara, Georg Jann, Antonio M. Mendes Melo ISBN 972-98578-0-6 Page 62-77

27 november 2001: New photo's from Cor Roeleveld of the organs in Scharmbeck, Estebrügge and Borstel

22 november 2001: Information about surviving pipework of Arp Schnitger in Ferwerd.

11 november 2001: New information of the Huss-organcase in Burg on the island of Fehmarn

24 october 2001: New photo's for Cappel and a CD by Helmuth Walcha from Cappel send to me by Ronald Schipper

26 september 2001: New information (**) added to the discography. Information from Walter Hilbrands

11 august 2001: Website about the organ in Zwolle (doesn't exist anymore)

1 august 2001: Bach-CD nr. 12 from Ton Koopman in Groningen Martinikerk added to the discography. Information from Yascha van den Berg

20 june 2001: Website about the organ in Dedesdorf (doesn't exist anymore)

3 june 2001:  New information about the "Schnitger"-organ in Lenzen. Information via Ibo Ortgies.

22 may 2001:  Link to the website from Eduardo B. Nascimento out of Brasil URL: http://www.brasounds.hpg.com.br/ for the organ in Mariana.

8 april 2001: Link to the website about the organ in Scharmbeck

23 februari 2001: Link to a site with a map of all still existing Arp Schnitger-organs.

19 february 2001: New information about Borstel by Martin Böcker.

14 february 2001: New information about Oederquart and Hollern by Martin Böcker.

10 february 2001: Link to a website about Lüdingworth  (doesn't exist anymore)

9 february 2001: CD of Richard von Busch in Neuenfelde added to the discography. New information added for Jork.

27 january 2001: LP of E. Power Biggs in Zwolle added to the discography. Information from Paul Welch

12 january 2001: Information about LP's and CD's delivered by Norio Sakai (see *) added to the discography.
New photos from Helmut Martin for Clausthal-Zellerfeld, St. Salvator.

11 january 2001: New websites found http://www.talknet.de/~robertmartin/  (doesn't exist anymore) and http://www.kulturserver.de/home/Kirchengemeinde/index.html for Clausthal-Zellerfeld, St. Salvator.

4 january 2001: Photos from Cor Roeleveld for Steinkichen, Neuenfelde, Groningen Martini, weopon of Arp Schnitger en a photo of the "Orgelhof" in Neuenfelde.

12 december 2000: LP of René Saorgin in Steinkirchen added to the discography.

10 december 2000: LP of Herfried Mencke in Pellworm added to the discography.

6 december 2000: LP of Fritz Wunderlich in Hamburg added to the discography.

30 november 2000: More information (in German) about the organ of Eosanderkapelle Berlin and Lp of Wolfgang Auler with works of Frescobaldi, Muffat, Clérambault, Buxtehude in Berlin Kapelle Schloss Charlottenburg added to the discography

28 november 2000: LP of Charles de Wollf organ and Jacques Meijer violin in Zwolle added to the discography.

26 november 2000: Photos of the situation before 1944 added by the organ of Eosanderkapelle Berlin, More information about the organ in Bergstedt. Information for Bergstedt from Mrs. Kai M. Böhm-Krakenberg Kantor of the church

24 november 2000: Lp of Rudolf Zartner with works of J.S. Bach, C.Ph.Bach, W.F. Bach in Berlin Kapelle Schloss Charlottenburg added to the discography

23 november 2000: Lp of Arno Schönstedt with works of J.S. Bach in Neuenfelde and a CD of James Kibbe in Norden added to the discography

20 november 2000: Link to the website of Calberlah, Kapelle

19 november 2000: More actual discography of the organ in Stade. Informatiom from the organist of the church Martin Böcker.

12 november 2000: CD of Elisa Freixo in Mariana added to the discography. Information from Wilbert Hetterscheid

21 Oktober 2000: CD of Konstantin Reymaier in Hamburg Jacobikirche added to the discography.

10 Oktober 2000: CD of Martin West in Eutin Schlosskirche added to the discography.

28 september 2000: CD and LP of Peter Elgeti in Ganderkesee added to the discography.

27 september 2000: CD of Wolfgang Baumgratz in Grasberg and Winfried Dahlke in Steinkirchen added to the discography.

18 september 2000: CD of Wolfgang Zerer with music of Matthias Weckmann in Hamburg St. Jakobi added to the discography.

17 september 2000: CD of Wolfgang Braumgratz with North German organ music in Pellworm added to the discography.

15 september 2000: CD of Gustav Leonhardt with North German organ music in Norden and a CD from Bernhard Coudurier witrh Bruhns and Hanff (also in Norden) added to the discography. (Information from Hendrik Dochhorn)

22. august 2000: New photo of Hollern by Rob Kruijt.

21. august 2000: New photos of Eutin Schloskapelle, Berlin Eosanderkapelle, Clausthal-Zellerfeld St. Salvator, Calberlah Kapelle by Rob Kruijt.

15. august 2000: New CD added to the discography, made in Cappel by Egbert Ennulat and a new CD in Norden By Stef Tuinstra.

4. juny 2000: New CD added by Norden (Vincent Lubeck, by Bernard Coudurier). Information from C.J. Roeleveld

29. april 2000: Information about our new Residence-organ.

15. April 2000: Information and photos about the Arp Schnitger organ in Moreira Portugal

14. February 2000: Photo of the organ of Glückstadt now in Burg (Femarn) by Martin Habermehl.

26. January 2000: New information about the organ of Glückstadt by Martin Habermehl.

7. january 2000: Unknown (but already disappeared) organ of Arp Schnitger in Bremen. Unknown organ of Arp Schnitger in a village near Porto in Portugal. Disappeared residence organ of the family Menkema in Pieterburen.

4. january 2000: Our new residence-organ.

28. december 1999: Cd of Antoine Bouchard for Steinkirchen and Dedesdorf added tot the discography

26. december 1999: Ibo Ortgies pointed me to an articleof Günther Seggermann in Ars organi of juny1987 about an unknown Arp Schnitger in Hamburg St. Georg. Parts of it remained in the organ of Gottfried Scholtze in Lenzen.

4. december 1999: Additions to the discography (Zwolle: Anton Heiler and Charles de Wolf) and Noordbroek (Harald Vogel Bach-3)

27.november 1999: Information about the Arp Schnitger Gesellschaft.

10. october 1999:    LP from Lucas Lindeboom in Zwolle and LP from Herbert M. Hoffmann for Steinkirchen added to the discography

8. september 1999: Added CD of the Schnitger organ in Mariana to the discography

27.July 1999: Added CD's of VLS-Records to the discography

25. July 1999: Corrections suggested by Ibo Ortgies. Connection between Hamburg Altona and Blankenhagen.

13. July 1999: Addition of VLS-Records in Beilen.

23. Juny 1999: Addition to the Discography Wolgang Zerer plays Matthias Weckmann at St. Jacobi Hamburg.

2. juny 1999: Photos added for Noordbroek

6. May 1999: Information about drawings of Arp Schnitger? for the Grote kerk Zwolle (The Netherlands)

18. March 1999: Image for statistics from NEDSTAT added.

13. March 1999: Additions to the organlinks.

26. February 1999: Additions to the organlinks.

16. February 1999: Additions to the discopgraphy according to information received from Andrew Lecky

12. February 1999: Proposal from Arp Schnitger for Hervormde kerk Meppel.

11. January 1999: Additions for Weener to the discopgraphy (Abram Bezuyen - Goldberg variationen) and additions to the organ-link-pages.

10. January 1999: Additions for Noordbroek to the discopgraphy.

18. December 1998: Link to my Dutch pages about organs in Drenthe and organs of Arp Schnitger
Link toGarrels-orgel in Maassluis corrected

14. December 1998: Organs in Noordseschut, Hoogeveen and Pesse

1. December 1998: More detailed information about the organs of Godlinze and Eenum
New links in Germany, USA, Netherlands, England, France, Belgium, Swiss, Spain and composers

20. november 1998: New LP's and CD's added to the discography, Links between description of organs and discography, Picture of Accum, Drawing of Schnitger for the organ in Wittmund, New links in: general, composer, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, USA

16. november 1998: New issue of the Dutch magazine Het Orgel, Organs in Drenthe: Zuidwolde,Elim,Hollandsche Veld,Borger,Odoorn,Schoonoord,Assen