Lüdingworth, St. Jacobi
Photo: Dennis Wubs
1683: Building of the organ by Arp Schnitger. He used parts of pipework, case and windchests of the previous organ from 1599 by Antonius Wilde.
1746: Jacob Albrecht replaces the Dulcian 16' of the Rückpositif by a Vox Humana 8'.
1796-1798: Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmy adds Dis to the Pedal and replaces the Cimbelstern by "Harmonischen Glocken".
1930-1931: Repairs by Furtwängler & Hammer.
1960-1961: Restoration according to the principles of the "Orgelbewegung". Intonation on a low wind-pressure and new tracker action mechanism.
1981-1982: Restoration by Jürgen Ahrend.
Specification: Wilde: (W), Schnitger (S), Ahrend
Oberwerk |
Rückpositif |
Brustpositif |
Pedaal |
Quintadena |
16' (W,S) |
Gedeckt |
8' (W) |
Gedacktes |
4' (W) |
Untersatz |
16' (W) |
Principal |
8' (W) |
Principal |
4' (S,A) |
Quintfloit |
2 2/3' (W) |
Principal |
8' (S) |
Rohrfloit |
8' (W) |
Spitzfloit |
4' (S) |
Octave |
2' (W),S |
Octava |
4' (W) |
Octave |
4' (W) |
Octava |
2' (S) |
Scharff |
III (S) |
Nachthorn |
2' (A) |
Hohlfloit |
4' (W) |
Waldfloit |
2' (S) |
Regal |
8' (W) |
Rauschpfeife |
II (W) |
Nahsat |
2 2/3' (W) |
Siflit |
1 1/3' (S) |
Mixtur |
V (A) |
Octave |
2' (W) |
Sesquialtera |
II (S) |
Posaune |
16' (S) |
Rauschpfeife |
II (W,S) |
Terzian |
II (S) |
Trommet |
8' (W) |
Mixtur |
V (W,S) |
Scharff |
IV-VI (S) |
Cornet |
2' (A) |
Zimbel |
III (A) |
Dulcian |
16' (S,A) |
Trommette |
8' (W) |
Source: http://www.arp-schnitger-festival.de
1999: With an "Orgelwoche" from 27.6.1999 - 8.7.1999 the 400th birthday of the organ was celebrated.
The restoration of the organ (1981-1982) was finished by tuning the organ in quarter-comma meantone temperament. (01)
- E-Mails from Ibo Ortgies (6-6-2002 10:53) and 22-1-2003 10:05