Lüdingworth, St. Jacobi


Photo: Dennis Wubs

1683: Building of the organ by Arp Schnitger. He used parts of  pipework, case and windchests of the previous organ from 1599 by Antonius Wilde.

1746: Jacob Albrecht replaces the Dulcian 16' of the Rückpositif by a Vox Humana 8'.

1796-1798: Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmy adds Dis to the Pedal and replaces the Cimbelstern by "Harmonischen Glocken".

1930-1931: Repairs by Furtwängler & Hammer.

1960-1961: Restoration according to the principles of the "Orgelbewegung". Intonation on a low wind-pressure and new tracker action mechanism.

1981-1982: Restoration by Jürgen Ahrend.

Specification: Wilde: (W), Schnitger (S), Ahrend (A)

Oberwerk   Rückpositif   Brustpositif   Pedaal  
Quintadena 16' (W,S) Gedeckt 8' (W) Gedacktes 4' (W) Untersatz 16' (W)
Principal 8' (W) Principal 4' (S,A) Quintfloit 2 2/3' (W) Principal 8' (S)
Rohrfloit 8' (W) Spitzfloit 4' (S) Octave 2' (W),S Octava 4' (W)
Octave 4' (W) Octava 2' (S) Scharff III (S) Nachthorn 2' (A)
Hohlfloit 4' (W) Waldfloit 2' (S) Regal 8' (W) Rauschpfeife II (W)
Nahsat 2 2/3' (W) Siflit 1 1/3' (S)     Mixtur V (A)
Octave 2' (W) Sesquialtera II (S)     Posaune 16' (S)
Rauschpfeife II (W,S) Terzian II (S)     Trommet 8' (W)
Mixtur V (W,S) Scharff IV-VI (S)     Cornet 2' (A)
Zimbel III (A) Dulcian 16' (S,A)        
Trommette 8' (W)            

Source: http://www.arp-schnitger-festival.de

1999: With an "Orgelwoche" from 27.6.1999 - 8.7.1999 the 400th birthday of the organ was celebrated. The restoration of the organ (1981-1982) was finished by tuning the organ in quarter-comma meantone temperament. (01)

  1. E-Mails from Ibo Ortgies (6-6-2002 10:53) and 22-1-2003 10:05
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/schnarp